Implement Industry Ideas
  • Sand filter / for wastewater treatment / dust / continuous
  • Sand filter / for wastewater treatment / dust / continuous
  • Sand filter / for wastewater treatment / dust / continuous


Article: 00004809

Sand filter / for wastewater treatment / dust / continuous

The TOVEKO continuous sand filter is self-regulating. Depending on the load that is in the suspended solid, the circulation speed of the sand is either increased or decreased. When suspended solid content is too high, it can be used anywhere. The most common applications are polishing for waste water, heavy metal reduction in the steel industry, RO installation, or protection of irrigation pumps. Minimal maintenance and easy installation can be expect with the standard product TOVEKO.


  • Designed for: for wastewater treatment
  • Type: sand
  • Applications: dust
  • Other characteristics: continuous, adjustable-flow

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