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  • Capacitance meter
  • Capacitance meter
  • Capacitance meter
  • Capacitance meter
  • Capacitance meter

max. 200 mF | 830C

Article: 00020349

Capacitance meter

B&K Precision 830C handheld capacitance meter with a count of 11,000 can measure capacitance up to 200 mF. It can be operated very easily and can take quick measurements and makes capacitance sorting simpler.

Traditional handheld instruments like LCR meters use AC signal with a particular test frequency for making measurements. For capacitance measurement, the 830C, on the other hand, applies a constant current that charges the connected capacitor for a brief period and then discharges it.

Sorting of capacitors is made easier by eliminating the need for meter set up at each time. This is possible due to the compare mode, which allows 25 sets of high/low limits.

Troubleshooting of components is made simpler by additional features such as data logging, tolerance, Hold/Min/Max Average recording, and relative mode.


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