Implement Industry Ideas
  • CNC turning center / 4-axis / double-spindle / three-turret
  • CNC turning center / 4-axis / double-spindle / three-turret


Article: 00025066

CNC turning center / 4-axis / double-spindle / three-turret

3 turrets with Y-axis and twin spindles for Quick & Quantitative
3rd turret (lower turret) minimizes the cutting time difference
between OP-10 and OP-20 to balance cutting tempo.
3rd turret offers sufficient 32 tools for both OP-10 and OP-20
machining applications.
3rd turret can be used as traveling steady rest, work rest or
tailstockfor more flexible applications.


  • Control type: CNC
  • Number of axes: 4-axis
  • Number of spindles/turrets: double-spindle, three-turret
  • Diameter: 330 mm
  • Spindle speed: Min.: 0 rpm (0 rad.min-1)

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