Implement Industry Ideas
  • Belt conveyor furnace / carburizing / electric / multi-gas
  • Belt conveyor furnace / carburizing / electric / multi-gas

400 - 1600 kg / h | TC(G)

Article: 00031141

Belt conveyor furnace / carburizing / electric / multi-gas

The TC(G) is a furnace with conveyor belt from Safed. It is designed for constant heat treatment using its conveyor and quench tank. The machine provides heat treatment using electricity or natural gas with working temperatures of up to 950°C. This furnace is suitable for treating parts in bulk or positioned in belt that weighs up to 0.3 kg.

Furthermore, the TC(G) is ideal for high volume processing that does not require changes to the parameters. It can also be acquired in various cover output 400 to 1600 kg/hour.


  • Type: belt conveyor
  • Function: carburizing
  • Heat source: electric
  • Atmosphere: multi-gas

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