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  • Electronic pressure gauge / digital / process / with pressure switch


Article: 00037510

Electronic pressure gauge / digital / process / with pressure switch

The DV-2 PS is a sophisticated digital pressure gauge with two independent outputs to switch to the pressure.
This digital pressure gauge uses proven microprocessor technology that produces highly accurate results.
All readings are linearized and the temperature is correct, offering an accuracy of 0.2% FS.

There are two independent switches for control functions High (top) and Low (bottom). These are solid state and are not subject to wear.
The switching points are programmed directly from the two buttons on the front panel and through a menu system.
Alternatively, through the RS485 cable, you can connect dV-2 PS to a PC / laptop and configure it using the software Riels "Pressure Switch Console".

The user-defined configurations can be stored in the computer for future reference.
Using the software READ30 can monitor and save on PC sequences of pressure for purposes of diagnostic applications.
There are two independent floating switches, both are not subject to wear and can be activated individually to create or break contacts.
The switch can provide a window function or can be used as a switch hysteresis.


  • Technology: electronic
  • Display: digital
  • Type: process, with pressure switch
  • Applications: for liquids
  • Pressure: Min.: 0 bar (0 psi)

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