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  • NIR spectrometer / optical / for food analysis


Article: 00055049

NIR spectrometer / optical / for food analysis

The KROHNE OPTIQUAD-M 4050 W is made for the non-contact measurement of protein, fat, and lactose in milk products. The unit may be used in dynamic control loops, and it offers high precision and a sustained stability. The OPTIQUAD-M 4050 W utilizes a measurement method that does not come in contact with the medium and instead, the measurement happens in the pipeline. It has a standard VARINLINE measuring section with an optical window in which analysis takes place, which allows the unit to provide more precise measurements in real time, and a quicker intervention if needed. Moreover, it eliminates the need of sampling, sample transport, and preparation because the measurement is hygienic.


  • Type: NIR, optical
  • Domain: for food analysis

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