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  • Splined shaft / plastic

Article: 00057512

Splined shaft / plastic

Traditionally, a solid steel shaft reaching the full width of the machine with several polyurethane tyres attached and a bearing at each end to support it would have been used. But through extensive R&D and close collaboration with our customers, BNL has devised many alternative solutions incorporating steel, aluminium, patented plastic and rubber twin-shot and over-moulded combinations to ensure the right shaft for the right job. Our patented nylon shaft with over-moulded elastomer rollers for a computer scanner is a fi ne example of our expertise in
this area.
Through the integration of additional features such as clip-on rollers and integral ball bearings, our dedicated in-house design team is able to maximise functionality, reduce the number of components, suppliers and assembly time,
thereby delivering whole system cost reductions.

Patented twin-shot printer feed shaft with integrated elastomeric rollers and gear teeth


  • Configuration: splined
  • Material: plastic

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