Implement Industry Ideas

BLM series

Article: 00076370

Linear motor / synchronous / brushless / ironless

Design Features
High output force in an 86.4 mm x 34.3 mm cross section
Continuous force to 397.6 N (89.4 lb); peak force to 1590.4 N (357.5 lb)
High-energy rare-earth magnets used in magnet tracks for high acceleration capability
Non-magnetic forcer provides high force with zero cogging for super-smooth velocity and position control
Aerotech’s "U-channel" BLM series linear motors are 86.4 mm x 34.3 mm in cross section and have proven ideal for both high-accuracy and high-throughput applications.

BLM series motors are direct drive and consist of a noncontacting forcer and "U-channel" rare-earth magnet track. This design eliminates backlash, windup, wear and maintenance issues associated with ball screws, belts, and rack and pinions.

The noncontact design of the forcer and magnet track results in a maintenance-free system.

The compact forcer assembly contains Hall-effect devices, and a thermal sensor, and is constructed of reinforced ceramic epoxy. This ironless design eliminates eddy-current losses that otherwise would limit speed and produce additional heat. For highest rms force, optional air cooling is available. Offering high peak forces in its standard configuration, BLM motors are available with special high-power magnets that can increase output force.


  • Type: linear, synchronous, brushless
  • Technology: ironless
  • Protection level: maintenance-free
  • Features: compact

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