Implement Industry Ideas


Article: 00080932

Safety light barrier / infrared with visible beam / through-beam / IP67

-Optical synchronisation
-Easy alignment
-Italian design
-Easily camoflauged
-Ideal protection for windows, balconies, terraces, building fronts, gates, etc.

Sandor is ideal for all situations being protected against and immune to all envoirmental conditions; it is also equiped with thermostatically controlled heaters so that it can be used in extreem weather conditions. Sandor, thanks to its unique system whereby each tranmitter is "seen" by each reciver produces a intricate web giving a high security beam with an extremely high level of detection and efficiency. Specifically designed to reduce false alarms, the beam towers give diffentiated alarm responses; one broken beam will give a delayed alarm whereas two or more beams interrupted at the same time will give an immediate alarm.


  • Function: safety
  • Type of beam: infrared with visible beam
  • Configuration: through-beam
  • Protection level: IP67

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