Implement Industry Ideas

Article: 00081867

Magnetic plate separator / oil / for pneumatic conveying

It is used to seperate raw materials from iron and iron alloys at feed, food, flour, oil, chemical and point factories. It is possible that speed and true seperation with flat plate magnets. It can be mutidimentional mounting and it does not spoil. It has been fitted up in stainless steel keeping with flange
This folded magnets are used to clean less dirty materials. It has been fitted up in stainless steel keeping with flange
Every magnet has been equipped two or three handcuffs and one handle. It is possible that speet and true clean, according to magnet settlement positions. If it is mounted place wich is not reached, it is applied pneumatic control. Especially, they are conveinent for big amount granule and powder materials.


  • Technology: magnetic plate
  • Separated substance: oil
  • Applications: for pneumatic conveying

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