Implement Industry Ideas


Article: 00084948

3D mouse / industrial / desktop

3D-Mouse SpaceController blackline
3D Mouse
Unique with PowerWheel
The 3D Mouse SpaceController, a professional 3D input device, available with either cap or ball, allows for simultaneous control of graphic objects in up to six degrees of freedom.

The PowerWheel, a silver wheel that runs around the control unit below the cap or ball, is unique and only available on 3D mice from SpaceControl. It allows for the quick selection of frequently used functions and the most important device settings.

Also unique to the SpaceController is the WheelCommander, a pop up window that the user can program, select, and trigger arbitrary functions with. Rotating the PowerWheel allows scrolling through these functions as well as triggering them.

Using the keyboard becomes unnecessary and the natural use of both hands is enhanced.

With these technologies, graphical space control and selection of functions is combined in a single hand movement.


  • Type: 3D
  • Domain: industrial
  • Specifications: desktop

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