Implement Industry Ideas

Article: 00091425

Ultrasonic NDT inspection device for pipes

The Opipe represents a comprehensive system for the control of plastic pipes during the production process and includes an industrial computer, equipped with a touch screen, ultrasonic card OPCARD2.0, multiplexer OPMUX02, set of ultrasonic transducers (based on the system requirements), measuring heads (fit for a range of pipe diameters and walls of varying thickness), signal lamp and dedicated software (control over settings and parameters, with full report generation). This system is fully temperature and water condition compensated, and enables measuring of sound velocity in the plastic, wall thickness, outside and inside diameter, ovality, eccentricity and material consumption (in kg/s). It features a puller control that helps reduce material consumption, alarm feature and remote control via WLAN and/or serial interfaceRS232, RS485 or RS422.


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