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Article: 00091505

X-ray inspection machine / with computed tomography (CT) / for preclinical research / high-resolution

In-vivo micro-CT

With world’s highest spatial resolution

The SKYSCAN 1176 is a high performance in vivo micro-CT scanner for preclinical research. The large format 11 megapixel x-ray camera gives an unrivalled combination of resolution, image field size and scan speed - everything that is required in a busy and demanding biomedical research laboratory. Image field width up to 68 mm allows full body mouse and rat scanning and distal limb scanning for big animals, such as rabbits, at pixel sizes of 9, 18 and 35µm. Variable x-ray applied voltage and filters provide scanning flexibility to allow imaging of a wide range of samples from lung tissue to bone with titanium implants. Animal beds for rats and mice are available made of carbon fiber or polystyrene foam. An integrated physiological monitoring subsystem provides breathing and heart-beat gating for proven thoracic image improvement by synchronized acquisition.
The full range of SKYSCAN software is supplied, including fast volumetric reconstruction, software for 2D / 3D quantitative analysis and for realistic 3D visualization. The software for 4D time-resolved microtomography is also supplied as standard. The scanner can work in "push button" mode with scanning start/stop and protocol setting from the integrated touch screen. The touch screen has a force sensitive surface allowing normal response to a hand in gloves. The main control rack-mounted workstation is integrated below the scanner. The scanner can be optionally supplied with an integrated cluster of four powerful Dual-QuadCore workstations placed in the lower part of the scanner’s body.


  • Technology: X-ray, with computed tomography (CT)
  • Applications: for preclinical research
  • Other characteristics: high-resolution

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