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Article: 00096671

Electric safety compliance tester for medical devices

This system MedTest is used for higher test functioning which increases the efficiency of medical device manufacturers. It meets all the tests requirements that are needed in the common medical electrical safety specification such as UL2601, UL60601-1, IEC60601-1,EN6O6O1-1 and etc. The patient leading is done on medical devices which also includes continuous run feature. As the device under test does not need to be switched off as a result it can offer time saving. Even in case of reverse polarity tests, it can perform many leakage tests.

Many test including hipot, ground bound and other types of tests can be done on the MedTEST. All of these can be done without the user needing to plug and unplug the device.

It has been set to automatically connect to the autiware provided. This lets the computer have complete control over the test system.


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