Industrial robots (IR) – is an automatic system consisting of executive devices in the form of a manipulator, which have several degrees of mobility; a software control device that performs engine and control functions.
Thus, the industrial robots include:
A control device comprising a processing and control device, as a rule, is a computing device;
Sensory device (included in the control device) – these are the senses of IR, they are needed to control the internal parameters and communication with the environment;
Drive system.
The main organs of the IR is a manipulator, which is an open kinematic chain, which includes kinematic pairs of class V: rotary and translational.
Each degree of movement of the manipulator has a separate drive. Thus, IR is a connection between a working machine and an information machine. The first industrial robot appeared in the United States in the late 60’s and was installed at Ford factories to replace human labor with heavy physical operations – welding. The modern drive of IR is the main component of flexible product manufacture.
Flexible manufacture is a production in which the transition to the production of products is carried out by changing the proces program.