Implement Industry Ideas
  • Automatic weighing system / with belt feeder

Article: 00143706

Automatic weighing system / with belt feeder

Process safety is a key factor in primary and secondary packaging of free-flowing powders, granulates and pellets, as well as liquids, on Mediseal stickpack machines. Now a new feature further increases pharmaceutical security: for new and existing stickpack systems, the company is offering an individual stick weighing system which enables manufacturers to exercise 100% control over sticks.

In contrast to the usual procedure, the sticks are not checked using random samples. Instead, each individual stick is weighed after it is filled. This enables 100 percent checking. Manual removal and manual weighing of samples are eliminated and consequently quality control costs are substantially reduced.

In addition, the new individual stick weighing system enables automatic feedback of the results to the installation's microsphere dosing system. In this way the machine operator can react quickly to trends indicating incorrect dosing and take appropriate corrective dosing measures. In particular, this enables the ramp-up phase after a product change to be shortened considerably.


  • Type: automatic
  • Feeding: with belt feeder

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