Implement Industry Ideas
  • Rising film evaporator / process / for liquids

Article: 00042640

Rising film evaporator / process / for liquids

The rising film evaporator installed in multiple effects into the evaporation station is concentrating the juice from the purification station and is sending the concentrated juice (syrup) to the crystallization station.
The evaporation station is distributing the vapor to the various consumers of the plant.
Heat exchange performance

The rising film evaporator has an excellent heat exchange performance thanks to the combination of an optimal steam distribution in the calandria, the high heat exchange coefficient and the efficient extraction of noxious gases.
Improved rising performance

The possible installation of a specific steam injector in new or existing rising film evaporator clearly improves the heat exchange.
Low risk of fouling

Equipped with tubes, the rising film evaporator is well known for its low rate of tube fouling.


  • Type: rising film
  • Laboratory/process: process
  • Applications: for liquids

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