Implement Industry Ideas
  • Focal plane array camera / infrared / high-temperature
  • Focal plane array camera / infrared / high-temperature

15 ?m | HMIR

Article: 00068968

Focal plane array camera / infrared / high-temperature

The High Temperature Midwave Infrared (HMIR)
Camera Engine is comprised of a high operating
temperature Infrared Focal Plane Array (IRFPA)
packaged in an Integrated Dewar Electronics
Cooler Assembly (IDECA) with a RICOR K527
Split-Linear or K562S integral stirling cooler
(Lens and mounting bracets shown in picture
not part of HMIR engine).

With the optional compact low power
electronics, and the high operating temperature
of the FPA, the lifetime and total power are
significantly improved over other technologies
like InSb.


  • Sensor: focal plane array
  • Spectrum: infrared
  • Technology: high-temperature

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