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  • Thermal camera / infrared / very high-sensitivity / high-speed


Article: 00068855

Thermal camera / infrared / very high-sensitivity / high-speed

The FAST-IR infrared camera series features high-frame-rate cameras designed for thermal analysis of dynamic events. These are the ideal rapid-frame-rate solutions for the infrared imaging expert.

These high-performance scientific infrared cameras can capture and analyze dynamic events thus providing detailed infrared information. They can be used for a variety of imaging applications including combustion analysis and any dynamic events.

Key Benefits
Very sensitive for targets which are difficult to detect
Self-adjusts to fast temperature changes
Enhanced identification capability using spectral characteristics
Allows to analyze dynamic events
Real-time calibrated images available
50 seconds of recording and autonomous operation

Raw, NUC or Radiometric Temperature Data Output Mode
Complete Control with SDK
4-position filter wheel
16 GB of Internal Memory


  • Type: thermal
  • Spectrum: infrared
  • Technology: very high-sensitivity, high-speed
  • Temperature: Min.: 0 °C (32 °F)

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