Implement Industry Ideas
  • Laboratory ultra-pure water purification unit

Article: 00145747

Laboratory ultra-pure water purification unit

ELGA Berkefeld water treatment plants may have the solution where especially high requirements are placed on desalinated water (de-ionated water). For every case whether it is totally desalinated water or water for membrane degasing plants, laboratories, sterilisation and production processes, boiler feed
water or industrial water, a suitable plant technology is at our disposal.
The basis of an ultrapure water system is in the majority of cases a one or two-level alkaline-driven reverse osmosis plant. These plants can be delivered as midiRO, maxiRO and megaRO within a standard area of performance from 100 up to 15,000 l/h. An optimal actuation of fluid flow can achieve plant yields of up to 85 % and more,with a permeate admittance down to less than 1 μS/cm in the permeate, in a two level actuated plant on the side of the permeate.


  • Applications: laboratory

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