Implement Industry Ideas
  • X-ray diffractometer / for powders
  • X-ray diffractometer / for powders
  • X-ray diffractometer / for powders
  • X-ray diffractometer / for powders


Article: 00144352

X-ray diffractometer / for powders

The Stadi P is manufactured by Stoe, and is a two-circle goniometer which has various detectors and pure K?1 radiation using Fe, Co, Cu, Mo and Ag sources. Mounted either vertically or horizontally, the instrument can be built with the design of a Transmission/Debye-Scherrer or Bragg-Brentano geometry; Transmission/Debye-Scherrer, Reflection/ Bragg-Brentano; or both.

Two goniometers with either the same or different configurations can be installed in the same cabinet and still result in two separate units, but two of these instruments can also share one source. High- and low-temperature attachments are also available with the model. The instrument is suited for the analysis of air/ moisture sensitive microsamples.


  • Options: X-ray, for powders

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